We’re National Choreographic Centre!

Aterballetto becomes National Choreographic Centre by decree of the General Director for Entertainment of the 23rd June 2022.                         

It rewards the attention to different bodies and aesthetics, the exploration of urban spaces and not only stages, the quality of the company, and the great international diffusion.

But what is a National Choreographic Centre and what is its purpose?

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“It is the right reward for a continuity of institutional presence in dance, ensured for years by the Emilia-Romagna Region and the Municipality of Reggio Emilia,” – commented the regional councillor for Culture, Mauro Felicori – “and for the freshness of the current planning, oriented towards the conquest of a growing European reputation. Fondazione Nazionale della Danza is one of the main actors of our region’s ability to be a European artistic pole’.

This is the result of several years’ work, led by the president Azio Sezzi and the general and artistic director Gigi Cristoforetti, aimed at expanding the planning and operational articulation of the historical organisation based in Reggio Emilia.

It was the goal with which we began this adventure four years ago,” Sezzi and Cristoforetti summarise, “Now Fondazione Nazionale della Danza has an organisational structure and an artistic dimension of absolute international importance, thanks also to the company director Sveva Berti. We believe that this important recognition is not only an award, but also an incentive to continue reflecting on the systemic functions and precise tasks that fall to the apex of Italian dance. Projecting ourselves more and more beyond disciplinary barriers and geographical borders’.

“This very important result certifies not only the quality of the projects and ideas that it is able to put into the field, but also a clear vision of the future,” says the mayor Luca Vecchi. “This is how it has always been and how it will continue to be, as is well shown by the ability of the structure and the company to be ‘reborn’, among the very first in Europe, from the period of forced stop that the pandemic had imposed on all culture, with an inventiveness and vitality that have made  Fondazione a point of reference in the national and international field“.

Published On: 1 July 2022