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Open rehearsals are unique moments in which it is possible to experience the backstage of a performance, dialogue with the artists and be surprised by the art of dance.


As the caterpillar transforms and becomes a butterfly through a biological cycle called metamorphosis, man also goes through several stages before making an evolution. From single-celled organisms to Homo Sapiens, from newborns to adults, everything evolves in the continuous search for perfection … but something went wrong! The planet is in danger and humanity is certainly not without faults.

Thus an eccentric scientist tries to tell us what, for better or for worse, has happened to humanity and to the Earth from the Big Bang to today. A multifaceted and ever-changing character, who does not communicate with words but with the body and movement, will help him in the enterprise, emboding the different phases of this crazy metamorphosis.

by / with Francesco Marchi e Christian Pellino
production Artemis Danza ed EUROPA TEATRI

Show for children aged 11 to 14

Full: 3 euros
Under 6: free

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