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Aterballetto dances at Arena del Sole of Bologna Tempesta by Giuseppe Spota.

“We are such stuff as dreams are made on.” William Shakespeare, The Tempest, Act IV

With Tempesta Aterballetto takes on a challenge: putting to the test dance and its capacity to vitalize stories and characters of a theatrical plot, lighting them in an original way and looking at them from new points of view. By guaranteeing a clear legibility of Shakespeare’s story without giving up visionary dimensions. And then we will start from a storm, what, we can imagine, led Prospero and Miranda to ship on the island, then retrace the line of events outlined by Shakespeare, highlighting some thematic nuclei of strong human profundity. To go to the heart of one of the most extraordinary inventions conceived for the scene by the great English writer thanks to the choreography of young Giuseppe Spota, Pasquale Plastino‘s dramaturgy, Giuliano Sangiorgi‘s original music, Giacomo Andrico‘s scene and Antonio Audino‘s critical consulting.

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